Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our girls have been wild over the last few days and I LOVE IT. We have had so much fun. They are constant chatter boxes and each one of them can be very bossy. Sydney has said Dora, Nanna, Mema, Anna (she was already saying mama, daddy, byebye, and Tad) Anna on the other hand, we can't quiet figure out her words. (she can say mama, daddy, byebye, baby) She will let out a line of jiberish and then look at you like "what do you think"

The girls taking a bath. We are finally getting some hair. Anna has way more than Syd. Poor Syd only has a mohawk. Anna has a smile that comes from deep within. She grins with her whole body.

Anna loves her baby and baby bottles. She is constantly pushing her baby stroller and hugging her baby. We are trying to teach her not to pick up the baby by its hair though. I think sometimes she misses her bottle though because I often find her with the bottle or paci in her mouth.

Sydney decided on Sunday that she wanted to lay in her baby bouncer. Poor chair was flat on the floor, but she didn't care.

Our little peanut.

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