Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our beach vacation was a blast. It was music to my ears to hear two little girls giggle with excitement. All the kids were such troopers and in good moods all week. Anna and Sydney loved the pool and lazy river at the condo and was just as excited about the sand and beach. We mainly stayed around the condo because everything we needed was there, but we did have breakfast at the Hangout on Tuesday morning. So much fun. It was a pirate and princess themed breakfast and the kids got to go on a treasure hunt and dig for gold.
 Got my swim trunks on and ready for the beach.
 Heading for some fun in the sun.
 First beach trip and sacked out.
 Snoozing out by the pool
 My water babies.
 One tired little girl. The pool/beach wore her out.
 My beautiful family. Mermorial weekend Orange Beach Alabama
 Posing like divas
 We ran into some friends at The Pirate and Princess breakfast
 Sydney loves sweet tea. Southern Belle for sure.
 The princess and pirate dancing. Then the other pirate barged in and they fought over her.
My little trooper. He was so good all week.

 Sydney with her "gold" she found on the treasure hunt. Anna did not want in the picture.
 They found a buried treasure.

 Loving the beach!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Once again, WE HAVE BEEN BUSY. Minor is six weeks old and that does not seem possible. Time is flying. I will be returning to work soon and I can't imagine sending him to the babysitter. My girls are full force and loving summer. Stay tuned for more post this week.... we are beach bound. I can not wait, but it will be interesting with two adults, two three year olds, and a 6 week old. Say a prayer for momma to have patience. LOL.
 Dad getting a little snuggle time.
Minor is six weeks old now and things are really starting to liven up around our house. He is awake so much more during the day and sleeping about 5 hours at a time at night. We are never at home and he gets dragged around everywhere. We usually start our day off at the gym and then head to the pool or the park. After lunch, we nap and then head out to a t-ball game or the golf course.

 Our trip to Hattiesburg Zoo. It was a great, but very HOT day.
Anna, Sydney, and Raeghan
 My little diva wanting to pose for a picture
 Riding the Ant
 One tired little girl
 Anna cooling off in the splash pad. Syd did not want to play.
 And Baby Minor was along for the ride.
My sweet girls @ Vacation Bible School
 Vacation Bible School @ United Methodist Church Bay Springs, MS

 Sydney @ Kynlee's 2nd Birthday Party
 Anna @ the birthday party. The girls had just taken their turn hitting the pinata.
