Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Tad!!! This morning we had a birthday party for Tad. It was wild as you can see!!!!

The girls are so happy about taking pics so early in the morning!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Waiting patiently for school. We made it!! Our first week of daycare and work is over. The girls had a good week and actually may start sleeping through the night soon. (cross your fingers) They are so tired at night now, they are sleeping more sound and going longer between bottles. Micah and I are starting to get alittle more rest, even though it takes forever to get through the "bottle, bath, bed" routine. (and then get ourselves ready for the next day)

Monday, March 23, 2009

On our way to school!!! As you can see, Sydney is awake and Anna is asleep. Complete oppisites!!!
Tad loves pacifiers. I had to give him one of his own so he would leave the girls alone.Kayla came over on Saturday to visit and help out with the girls. We had a great time and she is such good help. HELLO FUTURE BABYSITTER!!! Check out her little dog, Gidgit. She was so cute and Tad followed her around all day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

We went to the doctor this afternoon for the girls to get their first round of shots. I am so proud of them, they did great. I know it was painful and scary, but they barely cried. It was harder on mommy and daddy for sure. Anyway, they got a good report and are right on track. Anna wieghs 8 pounds 14 ounces. She is 21 inches long. Sydney weighs 8 pound 7 ounces and is 20 inches long. Well I am so glad that is over. Now we have to face the big first day of daycare on Monday. I am scared to death, but I guess I will be scared and worried the rest of my life.
Sydney is usually the one that wakes up early most mornings. As you can see, she likes her picture to be taken.

Anna ia very hard to wake up in the mornings. As you can see, she is not into this photo shoot.I finally got one eye open. And then.....

She goes back to sleep!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Big brother Tad loves pallet time. Check it out...we FINALLY took to a new pacifier. (lets hope they cont. to like them)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The girls are 8 weeks old today and doing great. They go to the doctor on Thursday for the first round of shots. Please say a prayer for us, I am scared to death.

Anna in her bumbo seat
Sydney in her bumbo seat. Look at those rolls!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Thank you Miss Paige and Alexa for the cute onesies.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Anna and Daddy enjoying Sunday afternoon. Anna tends to be more serious of the two girls, where Sydney is going to be the little comedian. She can make the funniest faces and smiles all of the time, even if she is dead asleep.

The girls will kill me for this in the future, but I can't get over how big they are getting. They are really starting to enjoy a bath, but not the getting in and getting out of the tub. They tend to scream bloody murder during that time.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This weekend was an adventure and very tiring. On Friday, Micah went to the Southern Baseball game with Uncle Mickey while Aunt Linda helped me with the girls. Thanks Aunt Linda!!! Saturday while Micah went turkey hunting, I decided to tackle a little shopping with the girls. They were very good, but it was more exhausting for me to get them in and out at the stores. Saturday afternoon we went to the zoo. It was a beautiful day, so we met up with our friends Paige, Taylor, Lydia, and Lily. The girls enjoyed the stroll in the sun even though they had no idea where we were, but it was fun to get out and visit with friends. Afterwards, we grilled at the Wambles. I hope we did not wear out our welcome there with all our baby items and two tired babies. Thanks for a good time James and Paige.
Paige, Taylor, Lydia, and Lily enjoyed the train while we sat back and watched. I do not believe we are ready for a train ride, but it was fun to watch. Next summer I will let the girls ride as many times as they want.

Sydney napped while enjoying the sun and a stroll. She never made a peep.

Lily, Taylor, Anna, and Sydney watching the crocs at the zoo.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We spent the last couple of days in Liberty visiting family. It was nice to get out of the house for a few days and to have such wonderful help. The girls are six weeks old this week and still doing great. Here are a few pics from the weekend.
Sydney holding her own bottle.

Tad loves all of the girls toys and he does not get very far from their side.
Note Anna's footrest.

Just relaxing with our farm activity mat.

Looks like Uncle Jake had his hands full.

Anna and Sydney with their cousins, Mayce and Chayse Causey


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